What is negative energy? 5 ways you can deal with it.
The experience of being human often feels weighty and complex,…

Being present and living in the NOW takes practice.
The importance of being present and practicing mindfulness cannot…

I Did It! | My Steps Towards Healing Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage was a new concept to me when I was first introduced…

How Stress Affects the Body
Ever wonder the kinds of effects stress can have on the body…

The importance of Creating Sacred Space
If you have been in my healing room you know that I have dedicated…

Body Grounding Journey for Empaths
Being Empathic is such a wonderful gift, but without the proper…

Yoga’s approach to releasing anxiety
Have you woken up feeling unrested because you experienced a…

Yoga Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress
This is a very effective breath meditation (pranayam) for releasing…

6 minute Meditation to Lead a Stress-free Existence
The following yogic movements and meditations are done sequentially.…

3 to 9 minute Yoga Set (Kriya) for People In Anxiety
Experiencing anxiety can be scary. You might think it will never…

Yogic Stress Relief Meditation to Prevent Freaking Out
This meditation is about altering your energy by changing your…

Yogic Meditation to Overcome Feeling Crazy
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Try this yogic meditation anytime…