Shamanic Healing & Energy Work Sessions

Are you looking to figure out and resolve what’s been holding you back, keeping you stuck?

How can Shamanic healing help?

This holistic spiritual approach differs from conventional therapies by looking at the non-physical reasons to address the root causes of our issues.

Shamanism focuses on addressing, understanding and healing energetic imbalances and emotional blockages that often go unnoticed and overlooked in traditional practices. It teaches that everything originates in the unseen world before appearing physically, including illness and disease.

This holistic approach not only addresses the symptoms but also aims to uncover and heal the root causes of distress. Many people find that shamanic healing complements traditional medical treatments, offering a pathway to deeper, more comprehensive recovery.

Shamanic Healing does this by using various techniques, including shadow work, soul retrieval, past life, energy clearing, spirit and animal guides, active imagination, journeying, ceremony and rituals to facilitate deep healing. By connecting to the spiritual realm, shamanic healing work brings harmony between the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being.

Why work with me?

The foundation of my healing methods and philosophy is rooted in over 15 years of personal exploration and studying Algonquin Medicine, Celtic Shamanism, Energy Healing, Coaching, Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork practices. What sets my approach apart is my ability to create a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment, allowing clients to feel acknowledged, relaxed, and comfortable to open up and discuss their deepest challenges and innermost struggles. I show compassion, listen without bias, regardless of past mistakes, choices I view everyone as a spiritual being having a human experience, rather than just a mere symptom, illness, condition or diagnosis, a perspective often missing in Western medical traditions.

The work I do can address a variety of concerns.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider coming to see me:

  • Old Wounds: Trauma, neglect and abuse that lead to rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice issues.
  • Core Issues: False, negative, limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, or the world. “I am unlovable” “I am a failure” I am worthless” to name a few.
  • Sabotaging Behaviors: Can’t seem to get out of a rut, nothing seems to work no matter how hard you try. Caught in self-fulfilling prophecy loop. “Why do I keep ruining things for myself?” “It’s like a part of me doesn’t want to be happy.”
  • Unhealthy Attachments: You seem to attract the same triggering people, situations, and scenarios over and over again. Believe you’re cursed or victim of bad-luck, hidden negative energetic bonds, and stuck in a draining partnership.
  • Relationship Struggles: Bad-breakup, divorce, loneliness, social anxiety, often the target of jealous, mean, envious, narcissistic, malicious people. Difficulty trusting people. Hard making close friendships.
  • Emotional Exhaustion: Struggle with excessive stress, overwhelm or overthinking. Overpowering and debilitating emotions. Super-Helper Syndrome. People-pleasing behavior. You want to learn how to ground, protect, balance & optimize your energy.
  • Increasing Spiritual Awareness: Develop your divine gifts, trust your intuition, find purpose and direction, learn to manifest, connect with your higher self and spirit guides and more.

I’m currently accepting new clients so if you are seeking support, guidance, and insight on how to get unstuck.

I would be honored to lead you through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth, unlocking the doors to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Welcome to Sacred Shadow Work a Cozy Healing Sanctuary within the Alta Vista area of Ottawa, ON

Where you can journey through a one-of-a-kind Shamanic experience to uncover your authentic self.

You’re invited to immerse yourself in a transformative experience where ancient traditions meet modern healing practices. You will be guided to connect with your inner wisdom and unlock the power within you.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate. ― C.G. Jung

Perhaps recent events are bringing up old wounds, and fears – if you’re feeling lost, tired, lacking motivation, triggered by past hurts, overwhelmed, unable to sleep, unhappy, struggling with unhealthy attachments, negative emotions, limiting beliefs, sabotaging thoughts, or just plan stuck.

You’re come to the right place.

I can offer you a powerful Shamanic healing practice to explore your shadow parts, unhealthy patterns and debilitating habits, heal old hurts around rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. If you’re ready to embark a journey of self-exploration that will lead you towards healing, self-discovery, growth, change and a re-connection with your true essence, I would LOVE to work with you.

Step into my cozy healing space where the journey and magic happens.

Let me help you break free from the inner blocks that are controlling and effecting your life.

We don’t want to believe that we are not in control of our own lives, but the truth is, sometimes we need to take a deeper look at our inner selves. We all want to be happy, successful, and loved, but our shadow selves can often hold us back from achieving these goals.

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. ― C.G. Jung

WHEN our old wounds of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice effect your relationships and disconnects you from life and others it often leaves us feeling not good enough, we can struggle with unhealthy boundaries, anxiety, and self-doubt. I understand what you’re going through, because I’ve been where you are, and can help you break free from these negative patterns, so you can start making the needed changes to create the life you dream of.

If you’re seeking a path to reclaim your inner power, deal with negative self-talk, establish healthy self-worth and acceptance, and connect with your spiritual side. Let me help you.

Let’s Work Together

If you are seeking a path to self-discovery and inner peace, allow me to guide you through a journey of growth and healing.

Together, we can explore different modalities and techniques that will help you unlock your true potential and find harmony within yourself. Let’s embark on this journey together and discover the beauty of transformation and healing.

Interested in booking a session but you have some questions?

Send me a text or email so we can arrange scheduling a Zoom or Phone Strategy Session.

Please provide your full name, email, and phone number in your message. Additionally, suggest 3 potential dates and times you are available, and I will schedule the one that aligns with my calendar.

Jennifer Mališauskas, Dancing Crow,

I’m an Ottawa ShamanEnergy Medicine and Spiritual Healer, Shamanic Healer, Quantum Shamanic Reiki Master, Celtic Seer, Sacred Shadow Work Guide, Breathwork practitioner, Wellness Coach and Spiritual Mentor.

In my teens I was back-stabbed, made fun of, gossiped about and ostracized by girls I thought were my friends. After these early experiences of rejection, betrayal and abandonment I struggled with loneliness, shame, social anxiety, low self-esteem, and trusting others as a result cultivating and creating new friendships, trusting myself, and living up to my potential became difficult.

Why I’m still alright

If it wasn’t for my deep spiritual connection and beliefs, my imaginative mind, a curiosity to understand myself and others, and a love of getting lost in fantasy books and sci-fi shows, I often wonder where I would be today.

I have been on a spiritual journey for the past 30+ years seeking answers to the “whys”, and to find “Ways” to heal my Soul wounds. I am grateful for all my spiritual experiences, the courage to face my shadow parts and the teachers who’s courses, workshops and trainings helped me to find myself again.

My Purpose

I’ve dedicated my practice to providing support to others who have suffered like me, and desire change. Those who are ready to heal the past, willing and committed to do the work.

Let me show you that it is possible to be worthy of love, friendship, respect and joy. I’ve begun to love myself unconditionally, to utilize my Soul’s full potential, and I believe you can too!

What my clients are saying about working with me

Working with Jennifer changed my life. It opened the doors to deep inner healing that occurred faster in two beginner sessions than months of coaching work or other work combined for years. It got me to the root of my limiting beliefs with regards to relationships and cultivate a healthier relationship with myself, thus improving those in my life. I am so grateful for her guidance and working together.

A.S.Physician - Alberta Canada
Thank you for opening a portal into what has been one of the most profound, sacred spiritual journeys that I’ve ever embarked on. I guess the day I saw you aligned really well with the cosmic frequency. So many connections came to fruition. There is just so much, but I am receiving signs all day. I cannot thank you enough for your guidance. Thank you again; words do not express enough of my gratitude. Light and Love
M.T.Therapist - Ontario, Canada

Working with Jennifer has been a unique experience for me. Her friendly and welcoming attitude and gentle guidance allowed me to explore safely my inner world and uncover the information that I need to grow. Jennifer is always respectfully holding space for me while helping me make sense of my experience. Working with her was a great support to help me befriend my inner shadow world and learn to work with it. She is dedicated and will take the time needed to help. My whole experience with her has been positive.

M.L.Registered Nurse - Ontario, Canada

With all my heart I recommend taking an inner journey with Jennifer. She is a genuine powerhouse with solid, trustworthy knowledge. Her skill set is strong and she has a wide variety of techniques packed in her healing tool kit. If you are new to energy healing, you can trust you will be safely guided through inner realms and back by Jennifer. If you are a seasoned healer at a crossroads or needing a little nudge, you will respect her knowledge, ethics and kindness in accommodating your beliefs and experience on the adventure. And, of course, most importantly….you’ll get the results you have been searching for and the answers you have been seeking.

J.M.Retired Admissions Officer - Ontario, Canada

Hi Jennifer, a quick note to say HOW MUCH things have improved for me since our session. I had normal apprehension and anxiety since then and I was able to sleep well and be with the sensation; it didn’t rule me. My presentation went really well. I can’t believe how helpful these Reiki sessions are, you have a client for life!

M.L.Registered Nurse - Ontario, Canada

Transform Your Life: Consider the Possibilities

Imagine the positive impact on your life if you could:

Sacred Shadow Work with Jennifer ~ An Shamanic Approach for Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. © 2006 - 2024 All Rights Reserved | web design by Jennifer (me) from Lapbaby Designs

My Shamanic Summer Series: Experience & Explore Dragonfly Medicine | 1-hour sessions for ONLY $95.